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Cast a vision for your life and business that has you thinking,
“I’ve never been so excited about what I’m creating and where I’m heading”
This free 4—part workshop is for you if:

— you're a heart—led, impact—driven woman who is here to transform lives through your brand, but also to grow as a woman who deeply loves herself and creates a life that feels rich in aliveness

— you haven’t yet cast a vision, or it’s currently just something like, “I want to make X amount of money”

— you’ve been ticking goals off your vision board, but something feels off — you’re not as fulfilled as you thought you would be

— you’re questioning whether you’re chasing someone else’s version of success, with thoughts like, “whose goal is this? Do I even want this?”

— you’re feeling the nudge for more, better, different

— your worked a lil too hard, likely experienced burnout, and you now crave a slower and softer life. You want to enjoy life in the present moment, knowing that taking care of you is the priority, because serving others begins with serving yourself first

— you feel like you’re trying to squeeze yourself into a mold that doesn’t quite fit (round peg in square hole vibes)

— your life is currently built around your business, but you want to build your business around your life and uniqueness

— you’ve been focused on how life and business look over how they feel, and are realising that how it feels is what truly matters most

And you want to be:

— waking up feeling excited for the day ahead, enjoying the journey just as much as achieving the goals and milestones

— transforming lives through your work, while creating a spacious schedule to fill your cup, go on adventures, spend more quality time with your loved ones, and be a present woman, wifey, (dog) mum, and friend 

— making money that feels rich in pleasure, purpose and play

— an inspiration to your own children, showing them how to follow their hearts and pursue their dreams despite setbacks and challenges

Burning out, losing your identity, or sacrificing your values, happiness, or playfulness to create society's definition of success isn't the vibe. You're here to be the author, director, and main character of your own story. 
In this workshop, we’ll be:

1 — exploring the science and benefits of vision casting, so you know why this workshop will serve and support you

2 — sharing lessons from my own journey (I’ve done the burnout, chasing goals, creating others versions of success, playing in others ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’, and tried to find happiness in materialism… and I’m going to share musings I wish I’d known earlier)

3 — dissolving the most common blocks and limiting beliefs that hold us back from creating the life and business we truly want, so you can be honest with yourself and own your dreams and desires (because they’ve been planted in your heart for a reason, they’re meant for you)

4 — diving into journal prompts to help you connect with your heart and soul, and cast your vision

5 — playing with one of my favourite, transformational, science—backed practices to help you truly believe in your vision, see it as already yours, and understand why this is so important for your success

6 — revealing the two keys to bring your vision to life while enjoying the journey so you know what to focus on and why

After this workshop, you’ll: 

— have cast a vision that lights you up

— know how to see it as already yours

— understand what to focus on to bring your vision to life while enjoying the journey


Waking up thinking “I'm so excited about what I'm creating and where I'm heading” starts with you actually knowing where you're going.

The magic doesn’t come from looking outside of you — it comes from within.

It begins with getting clear on what matters most to you; the life and business you truly want, not what others, social media or society have decided for you.

…and this is what we’re doing inside Cast Your Vision.

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